“I’ve been a collector of Sara’s art since1994. Her playful use of form, media and colour, whether it’s suggesting the countryside of Scotland or a Purple Trumpet, create a multi-layered perspective of the subject matter that is never stagnant. Each time I look at a piece, I find a nuance I missed previously. Large or small scale, her work is always both dynamic and soothing balm for the artistic soul.”
Tina Magnuson (Brooklyn, NY, USA)
The paintings in this category represent a selection of sold work from my complete oeuvre of the last 30 years. Sold to or commissioned by private collectors, friends and public institutions worldwide, work from all of my series is on show here – landscapes, abstracts, works on paper, works on glass.
“Knowing Sara has made me love her art work even more. Underneath the quite uniform exterior lies a complex series of layers, thus giving the artwork texture and personality (of which Sara has in abundance). The pieces that I own are both very special and make my bare walls come to life!” Louise Oldridge (Devon, UK)
“We have 3 of your paintings. All have graced our walls since you and Beau were in Chapel Hill, giving us much pleasure. As a result we think of you often”. Dale Purves (North Carolina, USA – www.purveslab.net/)
“Our picture is one of the first things we put up when we move; it makes the house feel like home. I love the way I can always see it afresh”. Dave Strudwick (Plymouth, Devon – www.plymouthschoolofcreativearts.co.uk)
“I have three paintings of Sara’s from different periods of her career and they are undoubtedly the most special pieces of art in our house. I have always loved her use of colour, shape and texture (deceptively simple) and even after years of living with her paintings I have NEVER grown tired of looking at or living with them”. Emily Hatchwell (Bath, UK)